Kathy’s Script
Hand out product guides, booklets, or any other handouts. PG_____ EODR_____
Hello and thank you all for coming!
My name is Kathy.
Let’s go around, and everyone introduce yourselves, and say what you hope to learn.
Young Living is a lifestyle company.
These are essential oils and products that we use every day, throughout the day, to enhance our lives for our families and ourselves.
History of Essential Oils PG_____ EODR_____
Let’s jump right in.
Throughout history plants were linked to the health and wellness of mankind since the beginning of time.
Everyone from Ancient Egyptians, Romans and Native Americans recognized the power of these plants and the essential oils that they gave.
Ancient Egyptians used essential oils for medicine, beauty, emotional support, and even embalming.
Recipes can be found in Egyptian hieroglyphs today.
Many Native Americans would steam or boil plants and “magic” would rise to the top of the water.
The bible has hundreds of references to various essential oils like frankincense and myrrh.
Frankincense oil is one of the most sought after oils throughout history.
Today, we use it to help feel emotionally uplifted, but also grounded.
We also use it to promote and maintain smooth and radiant skin.
Frankincense is also great to use topically after long days of exercise or physical activity.
Since we are sharing oil for the first time, when we use an oil, we don’t touch the dropper.
Instead, we hold the bottle at an angle and allow some oil to drop out onto our hand, or wherever we are applying the oil.
We then apply the oil wherever we want it.
The wrists and neck are great choices, but there really is no wrong place to put them, unless the oil is “hot,” which we’ll get to here in a little bit.
Oil Safety PG_____ EODR_____
Generally all our oils are safe to use on you and your family.
Young Living offers suggested uses for each oil on their website if you ever have any concerns.
The Essential Oils Desk Reference (EODR) by Life Science Publishing is also a great tool if you ever have any questions about oil use and what oils can do for you.
Hot Oils
There are essential oils that are considered to be hot meaning that they can cause the skin to warm up and sometimes uncomfortably so.
Think of the mints like Peppermint and Wintergreen and the spice-based oils like Thyme, Cinnamon, and Thieves.
If an oil ever feels too spicy, you can simply dilute it with some Young Living V-6 or vegetable oil out of your kitchen (or milk or honey).
If you’re worried that an oil might be hot, either dilute it to start with or try it on a less sensitive area of your body (like the back of your hand or arm) before you apply it to a more sensitive area (like your face).
Also, please keep in mind that water can actually drive oil into your skin as it opens up your pores.
Citrus oils are photosensitive which means that you don’t want to put them on before going out in the sun.
How much?
There really is no limit to how much you can use, but remember that these oils are extremely concentrated. Suggestions, see EODR
One drop goes a long way and is a great place to start.
It is safe to use Young Living’s essential oils while pregnant, but we always encourage people to do your research and talk to a doctor.
Gentle Babies by Debra Raybern and Aroma Baby by Life Science Publishing are good books to pick up.
Kids and Pets
Young Living offers oils that are specifically made for children, such as our Gentle Baby oil blend.
Young Living also offers oils that are specially made for animals.
Diffusing is a great option.
If you want to apply oils to your kids or pets, we suggest putting a drop or two in your hand, rubbing your hands together, and then rubbing your child (feet, back…) or petting your animal.
The oils are concentrated enough that they are still getting the wonderful benefits of our oils.
Share Frankincense
Thieves (smell) PG_____ EODR_____
This powerful blend’s origin begins in 15th century France.
Although the story has many embellishments and variances depending on your source, the basic story goes that four men in France during one of the plagues of the 15th century were caught robbing the dead and the dying.
It is up for debate if these men were apothecaries, spice traders, or simply those looking to deprive those of their possessions that would soon leave this world behind.
Regardless, when the men were caught robbing those dying from this extraordinarily deadly disease, they were offered a quick death/lighter sentence in exchange for sharing their recipe.
This legend was the inspiration for our Thieves blend; a blend that originated with the start of Young Living in 1994.
Diffuse (talk more about this in a minute)
Put it on the bottoms of our feet, or take internally as part of our Vitality line to support our bodies.
And we have an entire line dedicated to this oil that we’ll talk about in a few minutes.
What are Essential Oils? PG_____ EODR_____
Essential oils are profound plant concentrates.
These concentrates are natural aromatic liquids containing the natural smell and characteristics of the plant.
Where do they come from? PG_____ EODR_____
All Young Living oils are from plants grown on either its own farms or partner farms that meet the rigorous Seed to Seal standards.
These plants are grown and harvested free of chemicals.
Young Living’s oils are gathered using four different methods:
Steam Distillation PG_____ EODR_____
YL uses a propriety steam distillation to draw the essential oils out of these botanicals.
This process is used for the majority of YL’s oils.
Think of a 15-20 foot tall stainless steel cylinder.
The harvested plant materials are gently packed into the cylinder and steam then rises through the material carrying with it the essential oils of that plant.
As the steam rises, it cools as it enters another tube, settling into a much smaller glass container.
The oil rises to the top.
The oil is then retained and tested right there on the spot to ensure that quality standards are being met. Assuming it passes testing, it is then sent to bottling where it will be tested again prior to being bottled and labeled and mailed to you!
Fun Facts
It takes 5,000 lbs. of Rose petals to make 1 lb. or about 2 cups of oil.
It takes 6,000 lbs. of Melissa to make 1 lb. or 2 cups of oil.
It takes 27 square feet of Lavender to make 1 - 15ml bottle of Lavender oil
1 drop of Peppermint is equal to 28 cups of Peppermint tea.
Share Peppermint oil (Smelling/Topical/Putting in Water)
Cold Pressing
This technique is specifically used for citrus oils (Lemon, Lime, Orange…) as to not damage any of the delicate molecules found in the botanicals.
These oils are gathered in the way that the name indicates.
Plant materials are pressed using a large weight.
As the material is condensed, we gain our essential oils from these plants.
We know that citrus fruits are good for us and many of those good attributes are found in the rind, which is the part that is pressed.
Citrus rinds, like lemon and orange, contain limonene, which is extremely supportive of the immune system.
In fact, Orange oil is 95% limonene.
You might want to Google limonene at some point.
Share Lemon and / or Orange
Resin Tapping
This technique is used for a few of YL’s oils including Frankincense, Myrrh, and Copaiba.
In gathering Frankincense and Myrrh, the plant is cut.
To heal that cut, the plant rushes to resin to the site.
The resin is then collected.
The resin itself is steam distilled in a similar fashion to the first method.
Copaiba, on the other hand, is tapped like maple syrup and then distilled.
Absolute Oil Extraction
This technique is only used for Jasmine essential oil, and only because the plant material is so very delicate that steam distillation would destroy it.
Here a natural solvent is used to extract the essential oils from the plant.
Then, that liquid containing one of these two essential oils is distilled to separate the pure essential oils.
Why do we care about purity? PG_____ EODR_____
Have you ever walked by a candle shop and you got a headache right away?
That’s why we care.
Those are chemicals that are bothering us when we walk by that store.
Young Living is dedicated to having the highest quality essential oils in the world.
These are the only oils we use because we know that they are pure, safe, and effective!
There are 4 different grades of essential oils on the market. Young Living only distills the highest quality, often referred to as therapeutic grade.
In order to be this top grade, the oils must
~ contain optimal levels of plant compounds
~ be free of chemicals or additives, and
~ be distilled from sustainably grown organic botanicals.
Knowing that essential oils are plant concentrates, we want to ensure that we are getting that in its purest form.
However, when you concentrate a plant into an essential oil, you can also concentrate whatever else is used in that plant including chemical pesticides or herbicides.
This is why YL doesn’t use either.
The majority of the plant upkeep is done by hand and YL even uses other essential oils on plants to ensure that they grow up strong and healthy.
Unfortunately, in this industry many other oil companies will have products that have more or less of molecules than they should.
YL doesn’t attempt to change the smell of any of their oils through the addition of chemicals such as vanillin.
YL also doesn’t cut its oils with other non-essential oils such as vegetable oil.
Remember that pure essential oils should never be overly oily since they are easily evaporated.
Singles vs. Blends Singles PG_____ EODR_____ Blends PG_____ EODR_____
Young Living has two different types of oils.
Those that are one type of plant, such as Lavender or Frankincense, and those that are blends, such as Cool Azul and Stress Away.
A blend does not mean the oil is cut, however, just that there are multiple pure oils combined to maximize an effect.
How do we use Essential Oils everyday? PG_____ EODR_____
Essential oils can be used a number of ways, with many benefits.
Diffuser (drops in a diffuser – aromatic) PG_____ EODR_____
We will often place several drops of our favorite oil in a diffuser like the one you see over there.
The aroma will fill the home and we get the specific benefits of the oil that we’re diffusing.
We use oils to match the season like citrus and floral in the spring and summer, and then something spicy in the fall and winter like Cinnamon Bark and Christmas Spirit.
Share Cinnamon Bark and Christmas Spirit
Topically (wrist, neck, feet, chest)
We put oils directly onto our skin and bodies.
We might use Cool Azul on a specific location if we’ve had a long hard day of exercise…
Share Cool Azul PG_____ EODR_____
…or Stress Away on our wrists, neck, jaw, shoulders, or wherever you hold tension to promote relaxation and comfort.
Share Stress Away
Roll-Ons PG_____ EODR_____
Our Roll-Ons are great for this! They include Stress Away, Deep Relief, Tranquil, and Breathe Again.
Share a Roll-On
Internally (Vitality line or Oil Capsules) PG_____ EODR_____
The Vitality Line are oils that are intended to be consumed.
These oils can add great seasoning to any dish.
They are also excellent in water (Lemon is our favorite)
Young Living has several capsules filled with essential oils that include:
Inner Defense: Supports the immune system
Longevity: Antioxidant and support liver and cardiovascular function.
Cleaning PG_____ EODR_____
In other products or used on their own.
Thieves, Lemon, Orange, and Purification are all great oils for cleaning.
Purification is one of the best oils to help clarify the air of any unwanted odors as well as a great ingredient in a homemade camping/outdoor spray.
Share Purification
Sprinkle some thieves and baking soda on your carpet. Then, vacuum it up to refresh a room.
Other Product Lines
Not only is Young Living dedicated to being the world leader and the original pioneer of essential oils, but they also produce extraordinary lifestyle products, most of which contain these awesome essential oils, so that we can see the benefits of oils in everything we use.
Thieves Product Line PG_____ EODR_____
Thieves has grown from a blended oil, meaning that it contains more than one essential oil, to a complete line of products.
This line includes such wonderful products such as:
~ Household Cleaner
~ Laundry Soap
~ Foaming Hand Soap
~ AromaBrite Toothpaste
~ Fruit and Veggie Spray
~ Cough Drops
~ Hand Purifier, and many others
In order for each of the products of the line to better serve it’s purpose, other oils are often added to the product addition to the Thieves blend.
Household Cleaner PG_____ EODR_____
We use the Thieves household cleaner throughout our home. It’s safe to use around our entire family as it is natural and free of any chemicals.
Show Household Cleaner
The household cleaner is extremely concentrated so we put just a little bit, according to the directions, into a spray bottle and then add purified water. A single concentrated bottle will often last an entire year.
When it is diluted properly, each full diluted bottle only costs about $1.50 which is cheaper than anything you can get in the store.
We use the household cleaner to replace:
~ Kitchen cleaner
~ Multi-purpose cleaner
~ Window cleaner
~ Toilet bowl cleaner
~ Bath and Shower scrub
~ Floor and Tile Cleaner
~ Cleansing powder
~ and more
Show Natural Home and Beauty Makeover Comparison Chart
So, you can see that these are things you’re buying anyway, and with this single product, we can replace all of them with something that’s better for you and your family. That’s really what Young Living is about and that’s what all of our products do.
More Soaps and Cleansers PG_____ EODR_____
The Thieves line also contains a whole line of soaps and washes that we use throughout our home to help get rid of those nasty and harmful chemicals.
Share Foaming Hand Soap, Laundry Soap, Purifier, etc.
Most people’s favorite soap is probably the Thieves Foaming Hand Soap. It simply smells amazing, while leaving your hand smooth and not over-dried.
Instead of those laundry pods that look like candy to toddlers and young children, we use the
Thieves Laundry Soap.
We also use the Thieves Dish Soap and Dishwasher Powered to clean our dishes naturally and effectively.
We use the Thieves Waterless Hand Purifier in place of those other harsh and drying hand sanitizers that smell terrible and are full of chemicals.
We have an amazing Thieves Fruit and Veggie Spray.
We know that produce farmers will spray on waxes and other preservative to help the produce stay fresh longer.
We use the wash/spray to help ensure that we’re just eating the produce.
Once again, these things are all things that we use anyway.
Young Living just does it naturally and better.
Cough Drops PG_____ EODR_____
Young Living even has FDA approved natural Thieves Cough Drop that is very effective.
It has none of the artificial dyes and flavors that are in other cough drops.
So, ours taste and work better.
In our home, we got rid of all those other gross cough drops and replaced them with our Thieves Cough Drops.
We definitely don’t go without these during the winter months.
Healthy and Fit PG_____ EODR_____
NingXia Wolfberry Product Line PG_____ EODR_____
All our NingXia products are based on the NingXia Wolfberry also known as Goji Berry.
The NingXia Province in China grows our wolfberries; the same wolfberries that have been revered for over 600 years.
Interestingly, people in the NingXia Province of China are 4 times as likely to live to 100 years older than any other province in China.
These very special wolfberries are made into a puree so that we can use them in several of our products.
Wolfberries contain every essential amino acid and they also contain 13% protein, which is one of the highest of any fruit.
Wolfberries are also higher in Vitamin C than oranges.
Ningxia Red
NingXia Red is an amazing juice, which serves as a liquid multivitamin and antioxidant.
It contains:
Fruit blend from Wolfberry puree, Blueberry, Aronia, Cherry, Pomegranate, Plum, Grape
Essential oils: Tangerine, Orange (remember what we said about limonene-supportive of the immune system) Yuzu, Lemon.
Share NingXia Red
Fun Facts
~ Kosher
~ Uses a patented grape seed extract
~ No high fructose sweeteners
~ Supports whole body wellness
~ Supports the eyes and cellular function
~ Supports energy and is a natural antioxidant.
NingXia Nitro PG_____ EODR_____
Nitro is a great replacement for those energy drinks or shots that you buy at the gas station, since we have no idea what’s actually in those.
Nitro provides a quick pick-me-up without the crash.
It contains essential oils, Korean ginseng, green tea extract, and of course, NingXia Wolfberries.
Its great to use when you need more energy, concentration, or alertness.
NingXia Zyng PG_____ EODR_____
Zyng is a wonderful replacement for soda when you wanting something a little sweet without all the chemicals.
It is a sweet, bubbly oil-infuse, beverage.
It contains:
NingXia Wolfberry puree, White tea, Sparkling water, Pear and Blackberry juices, Lime and Black Pepper oils (Yes, it sounds strange, but tastes amazing!)
No artificial flavors or preservatives
~ 35mg of naturally occurring caffeine
~ Only 35 calories per can
~ Only 8 grams of sugar per can
Share Zyng
Slique PG_____ EODR_____
Young Living’s Slique line is a collection of healthy and nutritional weight management products.
Many, many people have seen great success with these products in meeting their weight and fitness goals.
The Slique line contains:
~ Slique Essence essential oil blend – helps control hunger and cravings.
~ Slique Shake – A vegan alternative to animal-based protein shakes (uses pumpkin seeds instead).
~ Citraslim Capsules – curb cravings and promote healthy weight management.
~ Gum – curb cravings
~ Slique Bars – provides a healthy alternative snack.
Food Products PG_____ EODR_____
As you can see, Young Living is more than an oil company; it is a whole body wellness and lifestyle company.
With its awesome products, we simply replace items that we are already purchasing with something that is better for us, and better for our families.
Because of this dedication, Young Living has a line of amazing food products, as well.
Einkorn Products PG_____ EODR_____
Einkorn wheat is an ancient grain known to be one of the oldest varieties of wheat dating back beyond recorded history.
What makes Einkorn so special is that it has a natural genetic structure and extremely low gluten level.
For example, all-purpose flour contains 9.2% gluten and whole-wheat flour contains 9.92% gluten.
Our Einkorn flour contains merely 1.21% gluten.
This low gluten level and better genetic structure makes it much easier to digest and is easier on those with varying levels of gluten intolerance.
We have everything from pancake and waffle mix, to flour, to pasta as a great healthy replacement for those products that you’re already buying at the grocery store.
Show Einkorn product
Granola and Bars PG_____ EODR_____
We also have our Wolfberry Crisp Bars and Einkorn Granola with wolfberries to provide a healthful snack that also tastes amazing.
Essential Nutrition – Supplements PG_____ EODR_____
When Young Living first started in the early 90s, they had a few wonderful supplements.
Those few have grown dramatically, and combined with our oils and other items, Young Living now offers over 400 products.
Although Young Living offers many supplements, there are several that we, and almost everyone Young Living, won’t live without.
Master Formula PG_____ EODR_____
This is a full spectrum daily multi-vitamin pack.
You can’t get everything that our bodies need in that single pill from the grocery store, so we get what we need here.
Master formula has everything from Vitamin B and C to prebiotics, minerals, free radical neutralizing ingredients, and more.
Show Master Formula
Longevity and Inner Defense PG_____ EODR_____
We already discussed these essential oil based supplements, but we once again want to highlight how amazing they are, and how Longevity, in particular, supports almost every part of our body.
PowerGize PG_____ EODR_____
This is an oil-infused supplement that helps boost stamina and improves performance during physical activity. Not only that, it can help support mental focus and alertness.
Show PowerGize
AgilEase PG_____ EODR_____
Exceedingly beneficial for athletes and frankly anyone that feels a little older than they want to, AgilEase is an absolutely amazing joint and muscle health supplement with it’s first ingredient being Frankincense.
Show AgilEse
MultiGreens PG_____ EODR_____
This is one of the first and still one of the best supplements that Young Living produces.
Think of it as concentrated vegetables in a capsule to support healthy stamina.
Amazingly, Young Living cares so much about he quality of this product, that it infuses these capsules with Melissa oil, one of the most valuable oils available.
Show MultiGreens
AlkaLime PG_____ EODR_____
This is a supplement that you mix with water to balance and neutralize acidity in your stomach.
We use this in place of the drop-and-fizz tablets or the pink stuff.
It tastes better and it works faster all while being completely natural.
Show AlkaLime
OmegaGize3 PG_____ EODR_____
This essential nutrition supplement combines omega 3 fatty acids from the cleanest fish oil on the planet, vitamin D-3, and CoQ10 to support our entire bodies.
Show OmegaGize3
Detoxyme PG_____ EODR_____
This is an awesome capsule that contains a number of enzymes to help with digestion.
Show Detoxyme
Life 9 Probiotic PG_____ EODR_____
We all now know the benefits of getting probiotics into our bodies through yogurt and other means, so, Young Living has created a probiotic that has all the strains we need for complete gut support.
Show Life 9 Probiotic
Personal Care PG_____ EODR_____
As we mentioned before, Young Living is truly a lifestyle company given that we have products to enhance your everyday life while getting the chemicals out of our homes and lives.
Many of those chemicals are introduced to our bodies in the form of our personal care products like shampoos, soaps, toothpastes, and skin care products. In fact, the personal care industry uses over 80,000 chemicals with only ¼ of them being identified, researched, and tested even to the slightest degree.
ART Beauty and Skin Care (Age Refining Technology) PG_____ EODR_____
Young Living offers a line of skin and beauty products that are second to none. This line contains products for every skin type and all products include our pure essential oils to keep our skin looking healthy and smooth.
The ART line includes:
~ Gentle Cleanser
~ Intensive Moisturizer
~ Light Moisturizer
~ L’Briant – lip glosses combined with separate fragrances
~ Beauty Masque
~ Crème Masque
~ Renewal Serum
~ Sheerlume – a complexion brightening cream
Other Natural Skin Care Products PG_____ EODR_____
~ Lip Balm
~ Wolfberry Eye Cream
~ Mint Facial Scrub
~ Orange Blossom Facial Wash
Share something from ART Beauty and Skin Care
Bath, Body, and Hair Care PG_____ EODR_____
In addition to the entire ART and Skin Care lines, we have products to replace those chemicals in your shower and bathroom.
These products are, of course, completely natural.
These products include
~ Shampoos and Conditioners – Lavender, Mint, Copaiba-Vanilla
~ Soaps – Lavender Bath Gel, Morning Start Bath Gel, Oatmeal Lavender Bar Soap, Shutran Bar Soap,
Lavender Foaming Hand Soap.
~ Lotions – Lavender, Sensation, and Genesis
Share Lavender Hand Lotion
~ Shave Creams, Oils, and Balms – Mirah Shave Oil (Women), Shutran Shave Cream, Beard Oil,
Aftershave (Men) PG_____ EODR_____
~ Oral Care (Fluoride Free) – Aromabrite Toothpaste, Dentarome Toothpaste, Thieves Floss,
Thieves Mouthwash. I use oils in my mouth, also! PG_____ EODR_____
~ Body and Skin Soothing – Cool Azul Pain Relief Cream PG_____ EODR_____
This is an extraordinary FDA approved pain reliever to relieve pain quickly, completely, and naturally whenever and wherever you need it.
~ Does anyone (else) have anything that hurts?
Share Cool Azul – Ask that person from the beginning, how they are feeling.
Have someone else apply Cool Azul Pain Relief to the area that hurts if they want (a knee…).
This is great for those daily aches and pains that one may experience from time to time.
Plus, it’s great to use after a hard workout or a busy day outside.
Cool Azul Sports Gel PG_____ EODR_____
This gel is a must for every gym bag.
It contains 10% pure essential oils for an amazing cooling sensation.
LavaDerm PG_____ EODR_____
Many Young Living members take this with them on every vacation. LavaDerm contains lavender essential oil and aloe vera to help calm and revitalize over exposed skin.
Kids and Animals
Our lifestyle, for most of us usually includes either kids or animals or both.
Young Living offers both a KidScents line and AnimalScents line for those little ones, furry or not, that we love the most. Both KidScents and AnimalScents are free from chemicals and are completely natural.
KidScents and Other Kids Products PG_____ EODR_____
~ Oils: Gentle Baby, SnifflEase, Sleepyize, Owie, GeneYus
~ Shampoo (Tearless), Conditioner, Bath Gel, Lotion
~ Toothpaste – Great Grapefruit taste
~ Tender Tush – for those still in diapers or in need of a nourishing ointment
~ MightyVites and MightyZyme – Chewable Multivitamin and Enzyme Supplements
AnimalScents and other Animal Products PG_____ EODR_____
~ Oils: Care Collection, Infect Away, Mendwell, ParaGize
~ Shampoo and Ointment
~ Dental Chews
Go back to the person that used the Cool Azul Pain Relief Cream.
How are they feeling?
How to Order PG_____ EODR_____
As you can see, Young Living is a Lifestyle company.
We strive to get those chemicals out of our homes and replace them with therapeutic grade essential oils and other natural life-enhancing products.
Once again, here is a list of what chemical we replace with what Young Living products.
Refer back to Natural Home and Beauty Makeover Comparison Chart, Appendix IV.
Young Living’s and products are not sold in stores.
Although Essential Oils are mainstream these days, the oils you can buy in the stores are not the same quality as what we have.
Our products are shipped directly to you and there are three ways to buy these amazing products from Young Living.
It’s a good, better, best scenario.
Good – Customer – Great Products
The first option is as a Customer.
It’s a good option because you get great products, but that’s about it.
It may be the way to go for you if you only want to buy one bottle of Lavender and you never want to order again.
Better – Wholesale Member – 24% Off
The second way to buy is as our wholesale member.
It’s a better option because you get the same great products as the first option, but you get them at 24% off.
Think Costco except that Young Living doesn’t charge you an annual membership fee as long as you spend $50 per year, which, you will.
You also get other member exclusive deals.
Best – Essential Rewards Member – Discounted Shipping
The third and best way to buy, it’s how we get our favorite Young Living products, is as a Essential Rewards member.
It’s like Costco meets Amazon meets your Cash Back Credit Card, only we do better.
With this, you get all the benefits of the first two options, except you get discounted shipping, you earn points back on all your Young Living purchases, and you get free gifts at 3,6, 9, and 12 months. The gift at 12 months is an oil called Loyalty that you cannot otherwise buy. You start out earning 10% back on all of your purchases, then you go to 20% after three months and after 24 months at 25%.
Additional Add-Ins and Supplements for ER
The Broccoli Approach
This is really a commitment to yourself.
For example, we all know that vegetables are good for us, but if we eat one piece of broccoli, do we feel any better?
Does it change our life?
Are we healthier?
Natural health is no different, so its good use the products regularly.
Quite simply, Essential Rewards is the best deal in Young Living for all of the reasons that we’ve talked about.
If you’re ever going to order again, Essential Rewards is the best way to go.
You start earning free products.
(If they are nervous about being able to stop)
If you’re at all worried about being able to stop Essential Rewards whenever you want, know that I’m happy to help you do that if you ever choose to.
We’ll call Young Living together.
So, if it comes down to it, which way would you like to go? Good, Better or Best?
Customer, Member, Essential Rewards Member?
Would you like to set up a membership?
It only takes a few minutes.
After enrolling handout
My FB name: Kathy July Spohn for Oils of Old FB entry
Life Science Publishing
Abundant Health
Sound Concepts
Hand out product guides, booklets, or any other handouts. PG_____ EODR_____
Hello and thank you all for coming!
My name is Kathy.
Let’s go around, and everyone introduce yourselves, and say what you hope to learn.
Young Living is a lifestyle company.
These are essential oils and products that we use every day, throughout the day, to enhance our lives for our families and ourselves.
History of Essential Oils PG_____ EODR_____
Let’s jump right in.
Throughout history plants were linked to the health and wellness of mankind since the beginning of time.
Everyone from Ancient Egyptians, Romans and Native Americans recognized the power of these plants and the essential oils that they gave.
Ancient Egyptians used essential oils for medicine, beauty, emotional support, and even embalming.
Recipes can be found in Egyptian hieroglyphs today.
Many Native Americans would steam or boil plants and “magic” would rise to the top of the water.
The bible has hundreds of references to various essential oils like frankincense and myrrh.
Frankincense oil is one of the most sought after oils throughout history.
Today, we use it to help feel emotionally uplifted, but also grounded.
We also use it to promote and maintain smooth and radiant skin.
Frankincense is also great to use topically after long days of exercise or physical activity.
Since we are sharing oil for the first time, when we use an oil, we don’t touch the dropper.
Instead, we hold the bottle at an angle and allow some oil to drop out onto our hand, or wherever we are applying the oil.
We then apply the oil wherever we want it.
The wrists and neck are great choices, but there really is no wrong place to put them, unless the oil is “hot,” which we’ll get to here in a little bit.
Oil Safety PG_____ EODR_____
Generally all our oils are safe to use on you and your family.
Young Living offers suggested uses for each oil on their website if you ever have any concerns.
The Essential Oils Desk Reference (EODR) by Life Science Publishing is also a great tool if you ever have any questions about oil use and what oils can do for you.
Hot Oils
There are essential oils that are considered to be hot meaning that they can cause the skin to warm up and sometimes uncomfortably so.
Think of the mints like Peppermint and Wintergreen and the spice-based oils like Thyme, Cinnamon, and Thieves.
If an oil ever feels too spicy, you can simply dilute it with some Young Living V-6 or vegetable oil out of your kitchen (or milk or honey).
If you’re worried that an oil might be hot, either dilute it to start with or try it on a less sensitive area of your body (like the back of your hand or arm) before you apply it to a more sensitive area (like your face).
Also, please keep in mind that water can actually drive oil into your skin as it opens up your pores.
Citrus oils are photosensitive which means that you don’t want to put them on before going out in the sun.
How much?
There really is no limit to how much you can use, but remember that these oils are extremely concentrated. Suggestions, see EODR
One drop goes a long way and is a great place to start.
It is safe to use Young Living’s essential oils while pregnant, but we always encourage people to do your research and talk to a doctor.
Gentle Babies by Debra Raybern and Aroma Baby by Life Science Publishing are good books to pick up.
Kids and Pets
Young Living offers oils that are specifically made for children, such as our Gentle Baby oil blend.
Young Living also offers oils that are specially made for animals.
Diffusing is a great option.
If you want to apply oils to your kids or pets, we suggest putting a drop or two in your hand, rubbing your hands together, and then rubbing your child (feet, back…) or petting your animal.
The oils are concentrated enough that they are still getting the wonderful benefits of our oils.
Share Frankincense
Thieves (smell) PG_____ EODR_____
This powerful blend’s origin begins in 15th century France.
Although the story has many embellishments and variances depending on your source, the basic story goes that four men in France during one of the plagues of the 15th century were caught robbing the dead and the dying.
It is up for debate if these men were apothecaries, spice traders, or simply those looking to deprive those of their possessions that would soon leave this world behind.
Regardless, when the men were caught robbing those dying from this extraordinarily deadly disease, they were offered a quick death/lighter sentence in exchange for sharing their recipe.
This legend was the inspiration for our Thieves blend; a blend that originated with the start of Young Living in 1994.
Diffuse (talk more about this in a minute)
Put it on the bottoms of our feet, or take internally as part of our Vitality line to support our bodies.
And we have an entire line dedicated to this oil that we’ll talk about in a few minutes.
What are Essential Oils? PG_____ EODR_____
Essential oils are profound plant concentrates.
These concentrates are natural aromatic liquids containing the natural smell and characteristics of the plant.
Where do they come from? PG_____ EODR_____
All Young Living oils are from plants grown on either its own farms or partner farms that meet the rigorous Seed to Seal standards.
These plants are grown and harvested free of chemicals.
Young Living’s oils are gathered using four different methods:
Steam Distillation PG_____ EODR_____
YL uses a propriety steam distillation to draw the essential oils out of these botanicals.
This process is used for the majority of YL’s oils.
Think of a 15-20 foot tall stainless steel cylinder.
The harvested plant materials are gently packed into the cylinder and steam then rises through the material carrying with it the essential oils of that plant.
As the steam rises, it cools as it enters another tube, settling into a much smaller glass container.
The oil rises to the top.
The oil is then retained and tested right there on the spot to ensure that quality standards are being met. Assuming it passes testing, it is then sent to bottling where it will be tested again prior to being bottled and labeled and mailed to you!
Fun Facts
It takes 5,000 lbs. of Rose petals to make 1 lb. or about 2 cups of oil.
It takes 6,000 lbs. of Melissa to make 1 lb. or 2 cups of oil.
It takes 27 square feet of Lavender to make 1 - 15ml bottle of Lavender oil
1 drop of Peppermint is equal to 28 cups of Peppermint tea.
Share Peppermint oil (Smelling/Topical/Putting in Water)
Cold Pressing
This technique is specifically used for citrus oils (Lemon, Lime, Orange…) as to not damage any of the delicate molecules found in the botanicals.
These oils are gathered in the way that the name indicates.
Plant materials are pressed using a large weight.
As the material is condensed, we gain our essential oils from these plants.
We know that citrus fruits are good for us and many of those good attributes are found in the rind, which is the part that is pressed.
Citrus rinds, like lemon and orange, contain limonene, which is extremely supportive of the immune system.
In fact, Orange oil is 95% limonene.
You might want to Google limonene at some point.
Share Lemon and / or Orange
Resin Tapping
This technique is used for a few of YL’s oils including Frankincense, Myrrh, and Copaiba.
In gathering Frankincense and Myrrh, the plant is cut.
To heal that cut, the plant rushes to resin to the site.
The resin is then collected.
The resin itself is steam distilled in a similar fashion to the first method.
Copaiba, on the other hand, is tapped like maple syrup and then distilled.
Absolute Oil Extraction
This technique is only used for Jasmine essential oil, and only because the plant material is so very delicate that steam distillation would destroy it.
Here a natural solvent is used to extract the essential oils from the plant.
Then, that liquid containing one of these two essential oils is distilled to separate the pure essential oils.
Why do we care about purity? PG_____ EODR_____
Have you ever walked by a candle shop and you got a headache right away?
That’s why we care.
Those are chemicals that are bothering us when we walk by that store.
Young Living is dedicated to having the highest quality essential oils in the world.
These are the only oils we use because we know that they are pure, safe, and effective!
There are 4 different grades of essential oils on the market. Young Living only distills the highest quality, often referred to as therapeutic grade.
In order to be this top grade, the oils must
~ contain optimal levels of plant compounds
~ be free of chemicals or additives, and
~ be distilled from sustainably grown organic botanicals.
Knowing that essential oils are plant concentrates, we want to ensure that we are getting that in its purest form.
However, when you concentrate a plant into an essential oil, you can also concentrate whatever else is used in that plant including chemical pesticides or herbicides.
This is why YL doesn’t use either.
The majority of the plant upkeep is done by hand and YL even uses other essential oils on plants to ensure that they grow up strong and healthy.
Unfortunately, in this industry many other oil companies will have products that have more or less of molecules than they should.
YL doesn’t attempt to change the smell of any of their oils through the addition of chemicals such as vanillin.
YL also doesn’t cut its oils with other non-essential oils such as vegetable oil.
Remember that pure essential oils should never be overly oily since they are easily evaporated.
Singles vs. Blends Singles PG_____ EODR_____ Blends PG_____ EODR_____
Young Living has two different types of oils.
Those that are one type of plant, such as Lavender or Frankincense, and those that are blends, such as Cool Azul and Stress Away.
A blend does not mean the oil is cut, however, just that there are multiple pure oils combined to maximize an effect.
How do we use Essential Oils everyday? PG_____ EODR_____
Essential oils can be used a number of ways, with many benefits.
Diffuser (drops in a diffuser – aromatic) PG_____ EODR_____
We will often place several drops of our favorite oil in a diffuser like the one you see over there.
The aroma will fill the home and we get the specific benefits of the oil that we’re diffusing.
We use oils to match the season like citrus and floral in the spring and summer, and then something spicy in the fall and winter like Cinnamon Bark and Christmas Spirit.
Share Cinnamon Bark and Christmas Spirit
Topically (wrist, neck, feet, chest)
We put oils directly onto our skin and bodies.
We might use Cool Azul on a specific location if we’ve had a long hard day of exercise…
Share Cool Azul PG_____ EODR_____
…or Stress Away on our wrists, neck, jaw, shoulders, or wherever you hold tension to promote relaxation and comfort.
Share Stress Away
Roll-Ons PG_____ EODR_____
Our Roll-Ons are great for this! They include Stress Away, Deep Relief, Tranquil, and Breathe Again.
Share a Roll-On
Internally (Vitality line or Oil Capsules) PG_____ EODR_____
The Vitality Line are oils that are intended to be consumed.
These oils can add great seasoning to any dish.
They are also excellent in water (Lemon is our favorite)
Young Living has several capsules filled with essential oils that include:
Inner Defense: Supports the immune system
Longevity: Antioxidant and support liver and cardiovascular function.
Cleaning PG_____ EODR_____
In other products or used on their own.
Thieves, Lemon, Orange, and Purification are all great oils for cleaning.
Purification is one of the best oils to help clarify the air of any unwanted odors as well as a great ingredient in a homemade camping/outdoor spray.
Share Purification
Sprinkle some thieves and baking soda on your carpet. Then, vacuum it up to refresh a room.
Other Product Lines
Not only is Young Living dedicated to being the world leader and the original pioneer of essential oils, but they also produce extraordinary lifestyle products, most of which contain these awesome essential oils, so that we can see the benefits of oils in everything we use.
Thieves Product Line PG_____ EODR_____
Thieves has grown from a blended oil, meaning that it contains more than one essential oil, to a complete line of products.
This line includes such wonderful products such as:
~ Household Cleaner
~ Laundry Soap
~ Foaming Hand Soap
~ AromaBrite Toothpaste
~ Fruit and Veggie Spray
~ Cough Drops
~ Hand Purifier, and many others
In order for each of the products of the line to better serve it’s purpose, other oils are often added to the product addition to the Thieves blend.
Household Cleaner PG_____ EODR_____
We use the Thieves household cleaner throughout our home. It’s safe to use around our entire family as it is natural and free of any chemicals.
Show Household Cleaner
The household cleaner is extremely concentrated so we put just a little bit, according to the directions, into a spray bottle and then add purified water. A single concentrated bottle will often last an entire year.
When it is diluted properly, each full diluted bottle only costs about $1.50 which is cheaper than anything you can get in the store.
We use the household cleaner to replace:
~ Kitchen cleaner
~ Multi-purpose cleaner
~ Window cleaner
~ Toilet bowl cleaner
~ Bath and Shower scrub
~ Floor and Tile Cleaner
~ Cleansing powder
~ and more
Show Natural Home and Beauty Makeover Comparison Chart
So, you can see that these are things you’re buying anyway, and with this single product, we can replace all of them with something that’s better for you and your family. That’s really what Young Living is about and that’s what all of our products do.
More Soaps and Cleansers PG_____ EODR_____
The Thieves line also contains a whole line of soaps and washes that we use throughout our home to help get rid of those nasty and harmful chemicals.
Share Foaming Hand Soap, Laundry Soap, Purifier, etc.
Most people’s favorite soap is probably the Thieves Foaming Hand Soap. It simply smells amazing, while leaving your hand smooth and not over-dried.
Instead of those laundry pods that look like candy to toddlers and young children, we use the
Thieves Laundry Soap.
We also use the Thieves Dish Soap and Dishwasher Powered to clean our dishes naturally and effectively.
We use the Thieves Waterless Hand Purifier in place of those other harsh and drying hand sanitizers that smell terrible and are full of chemicals.
We have an amazing Thieves Fruit and Veggie Spray.
We know that produce farmers will spray on waxes and other preservative to help the produce stay fresh longer.
We use the wash/spray to help ensure that we’re just eating the produce.
Once again, these things are all things that we use anyway.
Young Living just does it naturally and better.
Cough Drops PG_____ EODR_____
Young Living even has FDA approved natural Thieves Cough Drop that is very effective.
It has none of the artificial dyes and flavors that are in other cough drops.
So, ours taste and work better.
In our home, we got rid of all those other gross cough drops and replaced them with our Thieves Cough Drops.
We definitely don’t go without these during the winter months.
Healthy and Fit PG_____ EODR_____
NingXia Wolfberry Product Line PG_____ EODR_____
All our NingXia products are based on the NingXia Wolfberry also known as Goji Berry.
The NingXia Province in China grows our wolfberries; the same wolfberries that have been revered for over 600 years.
Interestingly, people in the NingXia Province of China are 4 times as likely to live to 100 years older than any other province in China.
These very special wolfberries are made into a puree so that we can use them in several of our products.
Wolfberries contain every essential amino acid and they also contain 13% protein, which is one of the highest of any fruit.
Wolfberries are also higher in Vitamin C than oranges.
Ningxia Red
NingXia Red is an amazing juice, which serves as a liquid multivitamin and antioxidant.
It contains:
Fruit blend from Wolfberry puree, Blueberry, Aronia, Cherry, Pomegranate, Plum, Grape
Essential oils: Tangerine, Orange (remember what we said about limonene-supportive of the immune system) Yuzu, Lemon.
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Fun Facts
~ Kosher
~ Uses a patented grape seed extract
~ No high fructose sweeteners
~ Supports whole body wellness
~ Supports the eyes and cellular function
~ Supports energy and is a natural antioxidant.
NingXia Nitro PG_____ EODR_____
Nitro is a great replacement for those energy drinks or shots that you buy at the gas station, since we have no idea what’s actually in those.
Nitro provides a quick pick-me-up without the crash.
It contains essential oils, Korean ginseng, green tea extract, and of course, NingXia Wolfberries.
Its great to use when you need more energy, concentration, or alertness.
NingXia Zyng PG_____ EODR_____
Zyng is a wonderful replacement for soda when you wanting something a little sweet without all the chemicals.
It is a sweet, bubbly oil-infuse, beverage.
It contains:
NingXia Wolfberry puree, White tea, Sparkling water, Pear and Blackberry juices, Lime and Black Pepper oils (Yes, it sounds strange, but tastes amazing!)
No artificial flavors or preservatives
~ 35mg of naturally occurring caffeine
~ Only 35 calories per can
~ Only 8 grams of sugar per can
Share Zyng
Slique PG_____ EODR_____
Young Living’s Slique line is a collection of healthy and nutritional weight management products.
Many, many people have seen great success with these products in meeting their weight and fitness goals.
The Slique line contains:
~ Slique Essence essential oil blend – helps control hunger and cravings.
~ Slique Shake – A vegan alternative to animal-based protein shakes (uses pumpkin seeds instead).
~ Citraslim Capsules – curb cravings and promote healthy weight management.
~ Gum – curb cravings
~ Slique Bars – provides a healthy alternative snack.
Food Products PG_____ EODR_____
As you can see, Young Living is more than an oil company; it is a whole body wellness and lifestyle company.
With its awesome products, we simply replace items that we are already purchasing with something that is better for us, and better for our families.
Because of this dedication, Young Living has a line of amazing food products, as well.
Einkorn Products PG_____ EODR_____
Einkorn wheat is an ancient grain known to be one of the oldest varieties of wheat dating back beyond recorded history.
What makes Einkorn so special is that it has a natural genetic structure and extremely low gluten level.
For example, all-purpose flour contains 9.2% gluten and whole-wheat flour contains 9.92% gluten.
Our Einkorn flour contains merely 1.21% gluten.
This low gluten level and better genetic structure makes it much easier to digest and is easier on those with varying levels of gluten intolerance.
We have everything from pancake and waffle mix, to flour, to pasta as a great healthy replacement for those products that you’re already buying at the grocery store.
Show Einkorn product
Granola and Bars PG_____ EODR_____
We also have our Wolfberry Crisp Bars and Einkorn Granola with wolfberries to provide a healthful snack that also tastes amazing.
Essential Nutrition – Supplements PG_____ EODR_____
When Young Living first started in the early 90s, they had a few wonderful supplements.
Those few have grown dramatically, and combined with our oils and other items, Young Living now offers over 400 products.
Although Young Living offers many supplements, there are several that we, and almost everyone Young Living, won’t live without.
Master Formula PG_____ EODR_____
This is a full spectrum daily multi-vitamin pack.
You can’t get everything that our bodies need in that single pill from the grocery store, so we get what we need here.
Master formula has everything from Vitamin B and C to prebiotics, minerals, free radical neutralizing ingredients, and more.
Show Master Formula
Longevity and Inner Defense PG_____ EODR_____
We already discussed these essential oil based supplements, but we once again want to highlight how amazing they are, and how Longevity, in particular, supports almost every part of our body.
PowerGize PG_____ EODR_____
This is an oil-infused supplement that helps boost stamina and improves performance during physical activity. Not only that, it can help support mental focus and alertness.
Show PowerGize
AgilEase PG_____ EODR_____
Exceedingly beneficial for athletes and frankly anyone that feels a little older than they want to, AgilEase is an absolutely amazing joint and muscle health supplement with it’s first ingredient being Frankincense.
Show AgilEse
MultiGreens PG_____ EODR_____
This is one of the first and still one of the best supplements that Young Living produces.
Think of it as concentrated vegetables in a capsule to support healthy stamina.
Amazingly, Young Living cares so much about he quality of this product, that it infuses these capsules with Melissa oil, one of the most valuable oils available.
Show MultiGreens
AlkaLime PG_____ EODR_____
This is a supplement that you mix with water to balance and neutralize acidity in your stomach.
We use this in place of the drop-and-fizz tablets or the pink stuff.
It tastes better and it works faster all while being completely natural.
Show AlkaLime
OmegaGize3 PG_____ EODR_____
This essential nutrition supplement combines omega 3 fatty acids from the cleanest fish oil on the planet, vitamin D-3, and CoQ10 to support our entire bodies.
Show OmegaGize3
Detoxyme PG_____ EODR_____
This is an awesome capsule that contains a number of enzymes to help with digestion.
Show Detoxyme
Life 9 Probiotic PG_____ EODR_____
We all now know the benefits of getting probiotics into our bodies through yogurt and other means, so, Young Living has created a probiotic that has all the strains we need for complete gut support.
Show Life 9 Probiotic
Personal Care PG_____ EODR_____
As we mentioned before, Young Living is truly a lifestyle company given that we have products to enhance your everyday life while getting the chemicals out of our homes and lives.
Many of those chemicals are introduced to our bodies in the form of our personal care products like shampoos, soaps, toothpastes, and skin care products. In fact, the personal care industry uses over 80,000 chemicals with only ¼ of them being identified, researched, and tested even to the slightest degree.
ART Beauty and Skin Care (Age Refining Technology) PG_____ EODR_____
Young Living offers a line of skin and beauty products that are second to none. This line contains products for every skin type and all products include our pure essential oils to keep our skin looking healthy and smooth.
The ART line includes:
~ Gentle Cleanser
~ Intensive Moisturizer
~ Light Moisturizer
~ L’Briant – lip glosses combined with separate fragrances
~ Beauty Masque
~ Crème Masque
~ Renewal Serum
~ Sheerlume – a complexion brightening cream
Other Natural Skin Care Products PG_____ EODR_____
~ Lip Balm
~ Wolfberry Eye Cream
~ Mint Facial Scrub
~ Orange Blossom Facial Wash
Share something from ART Beauty and Skin Care
Bath, Body, and Hair Care PG_____ EODR_____
In addition to the entire ART and Skin Care lines, we have products to replace those chemicals in your shower and bathroom.
These products are, of course, completely natural.
These products include
~ Shampoos and Conditioners – Lavender, Mint, Copaiba-Vanilla
~ Soaps – Lavender Bath Gel, Morning Start Bath Gel, Oatmeal Lavender Bar Soap, Shutran Bar Soap,
Lavender Foaming Hand Soap.
~ Lotions – Lavender, Sensation, and Genesis
Share Lavender Hand Lotion
~ Shave Creams, Oils, and Balms – Mirah Shave Oil (Women), Shutran Shave Cream, Beard Oil,
Aftershave (Men) PG_____ EODR_____
~ Oral Care (Fluoride Free) – Aromabrite Toothpaste, Dentarome Toothpaste, Thieves Floss,
Thieves Mouthwash. I use oils in my mouth, also! PG_____ EODR_____
~ Body and Skin Soothing – Cool Azul Pain Relief Cream PG_____ EODR_____
This is an extraordinary FDA approved pain reliever to relieve pain quickly, completely, and naturally whenever and wherever you need it.
~ Does anyone (else) have anything that hurts?
Share Cool Azul – Ask that person from the beginning, how they are feeling.
Have someone else apply Cool Azul Pain Relief to the area that hurts if they want (a knee…).
This is great for those daily aches and pains that one may experience from time to time.
Plus, it’s great to use after a hard workout or a busy day outside.
Cool Azul Sports Gel PG_____ EODR_____
This gel is a must for every gym bag.
It contains 10% pure essential oils for an amazing cooling sensation.
LavaDerm PG_____ EODR_____
Many Young Living members take this with them on every vacation. LavaDerm contains lavender essential oil and aloe vera to help calm and revitalize over exposed skin.
Kids and Animals
Our lifestyle, for most of us usually includes either kids or animals or both.
Young Living offers both a KidScents line and AnimalScents line for those little ones, furry or not, that we love the most. Both KidScents and AnimalScents are free from chemicals and are completely natural.
KidScents and Other Kids Products PG_____ EODR_____
~ Oils: Gentle Baby, SnifflEase, Sleepyize, Owie, GeneYus
~ Shampoo (Tearless), Conditioner, Bath Gel, Lotion
~ Toothpaste – Great Grapefruit taste
~ Tender Tush – for those still in diapers or in need of a nourishing ointment
~ MightyVites and MightyZyme – Chewable Multivitamin and Enzyme Supplements
AnimalScents and other Animal Products PG_____ EODR_____
~ Oils: Care Collection, Infect Away, Mendwell, ParaGize
~ Shampoo and Ointment
~ Dental Chews
Go back to the person that used the Cool Azul Pain Relief Cream.
How are they feeling?
How to Order PG_____ EODR_____
As you can see, Young Living is a Lifestyle company.
We strive to get those chemicals out of our homes and replace them with therapeutic grade essential oils and other natural life-enhancing products.
Once again, here is a list of what chemical we replace with what Young Living products.
Refer back to Natural Home and Beauty Makeover Comparison Chart, Appendix IV.
Young Living’s and products are not sold in stores.
Although Essential Oils are mainstream these days, the oils you can buy in the stores are not the same quality as what we have.
Our products are shipped directly to you and there are three ways to buy these amazing products from Young Living.
It’s a good, better, best scenario.
Good – Customer – Great Products
The first option is as a Customer.
It’s a good option because you get great products, but that’s about it.
It may be the way to go for you if you only want to buy one bottle of Lavender and you never want to order again.
Better – Wholesale Member – 24% Off
The second way to buy is as our wholesale member.
It’s a better option because you get the same great products as the first option, but you get them at 24% off.
Think Costco except that Young Living doesn’t charge you an annual membership fee as long as you spend $50 per year, which, you will.
You also get other member exclusive deals.
Best – Essential Rewards Member – Discounted Shipping
The third and best way to buy, it’s how we get our favorite Young Living products, is as a Essential Rewards member.
It’s like Costco meets Amazon meets your Cash Back Credit Card, only we do better.
With this, you get all the benefits of the first two options, except you get discounted shipping, you earn points back on all your Young Living purchases, and you get free gifts at 3,6, 9, and 12 months. The gift at 12 months is an oil called Loyalty that you cannot otherwise buy. You start out earning 10% back on all of your purchases, then you go to 20% after three months and after 24 months at 25%.
Additional Add-Ins and Supplements for ER
The Broccoli Approach
This is really a commitment to yourself.
For example, we all know that vegetables are good for us, but if we eat one piece of broccoli, do we feel any better?
Does it change our life?
Are we healthier?
Natural health is no different, so its good use the products regularly.
Quite simply, Essential Rewards is the best deal in Young Living for all of the reasons that we’ve talked about.
If you’re ever going to order again, Essential Rewards is the best way to go.
You start earning free products.
(If they are nervous about being able to stop)
If you’re at all worried about being able to stop Essential Rewards whenever you want, know that I’m happy to help you do that if you ever choose to.
We’ll call Young Living together.
So, if it comes down to it, which way would you like to go? Good, Better or Best?
Customer, Member, Essential Rewards Member?
Would you like to set up a membership?
It only takes a few minutes.
After enrolling handout
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